Cmake error for STL build

I had a look at the STL plugin. I run into the following error:

Any hints?

Got a bit further and found that a script has to run beforehand. It fires up a container and runs inside.
this script calls npm to install some stuff.
Question: does npm load additional packages from the web, or is the nodejs 20 stuff sufficient?
(If so it would be a show-stopper for OBS ( as no downloads during build time are allowed)

I never tried to build it but would it be possible, if thatā€™s the case, to freeze the results of the npm local install in an archive that would be used at build time, maybe?

Maybe npm-lazy-mirror - npm could help?

Just my $0.02

Hello Benjamin,
Yes, that may be an idea.
I ran the npm in a box (for O3DV) and it added some 470 packages via download (and found 21 vulnerabilities (1 low, 15 moderate, 5 high) ).

Probably more a question/decision for Sebastien: In order to avoid permanently changing dependencies and versions for the nodejs stuff and to have a defined state, I feel it makes sense to provide this stuff in a package, similar to the 3rd party downloads.

What do you think?

Hi Axel,

Thereā€™s a file available for download here: Orthanc downloads

I would say you need to download it and uncompress it in ${root}/JavaScriptLibraries/dist/ before running the C++ build.

Hope this helps - otherwise, weā€™ll have to wait for SĆ©bastien ā€¦


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Hello Alain,
thanks for the hint!
uncompressing it to ${root}/JavaScriptLibraries/ did the trick to make it build. This ā€˜distā€™ file is surprisingly small. Will try to set up a test instance to see if it works!

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