Got a bit further and found that a script has to run beforehand. It fires up a container and runs inside.
this script calls npm to install some stuff.
Question: does npm load additional packages from the web, or is the nodejs 20 stuff sufficient?
(If so it would be a show-stopper for OBS ( as no downloads during build time are allowed)
I never tried to build it but would it be possible, if thatās the case, to freeze the results of the npm local install in an archive that would be used at build time, maybe?
Hello Benjamin,
Yes, that may be an idea.
I ran the npm in a box (for O3DV) and it added some 470 packages via download (and found 21 vulnerabilities (1 low, 15 moderate, 5 high) ).
Probably more a question/decision for Sebastien: In order to avoid permanently changing dependencies and versions for the nodejs stuff and to have a defined state, I feel it makes sense to provide this stuff in a package, similar to the 3rd party downloads.
Hello Alain,
thanks for the hint!
uncompressing it to ${root}/JavaScriptLibraries/ did the trick to make it build. This ādistā file is surprisingly small. Will try to set up a test instance to see if it works!