Changing Orthanc's file storage structure

Hello there, does anyone know how hard/easy would it be to change the way orthanc stores and reads files? Or if there’s already a plugin that i could use for that?
I’m already aware of the Lua script that stores a copy of the original files with another folder structure but that would double the space requirements plus orthanc wouldn’t be able to manage it(ex: deleting it if requested) so while nice this solution itself wouldn’t work out for me.
I’d like Orthanc to read/write from/to a folder that contains actual metadata information like studydate and patientid.

VPIReveal has made a plugin for that:

Well, as i’ve said, i’m not looking for a solution that replicates the data, i’m looking for a solution that changes the way orthanc stores and reads its files. The VPI plugin duplicates the data and that is not an acceptable solution to me since i’ll be dealing with several terabytes of data and duplicating that would create other problems that i’d rather avoid.

As a consequence, if this plugin is not adapted to your use, feel free to contribute to the Orthanc ecosystem by creating another storage area plugin:

Check out the “OrthancPluginRegisterStorageArea()” primitive:
