Hello I am trying to make changes in the patient of an study.
Any one can help me?
i have 2 patients, patB have 2 studies but one is of patientA. Also patientA has another study.
“ID”: “f6946635-0a2df03c-261f9fc3-dd71bc3c-512ca809”,
“IsStable”: true,
“LastUpdate”: “20210918T211557”,
“MainDicomTags”: {
“PatientBirthDate”: “”,
“PatientID”: “471”,
“PatientName”: “pat A”,
“PatientSex”: “M”
“Studies”: [
“Type”: “Patient”
“ID”: “e5e62aad-b2625663-1ed960b7-d3cdb718-c5abd68a”,
“IsStable”: true,
“LastUpdate”: “20210918T205259”,
“MainDicomTags”: {
“PatientBirthDate”: “”,
“PatientID”: “308”,
“PatientName”: “patB”,
“PatientSex”: “M”
“Studies”: [
“Type”: “Patient”
“ID”: “d764488b-2b71c859-9e214a2e-eba85e05-893190c5”,
“IsStable”: true,
“LastUpdate”: “20210918T203751”,
“MainDicomTags”: {
“AccessionNumber”: “”,
“InstitutionName”: “Hospital Centenario”,
“ReferringPhysicianName”: “”,
“StudyDate”: “20210918”,
“StudyID”: “”,
“StudyInstanceUID”: “1.2.392.200036.9125.2.1561232391913587.64982280099.1516240”,
“StudyTime”: “172139.938”
“ParentPatient”: “e5e62aad-b2625663-1ed960b7-d3cdb718-c5abd68a”,
“PatientMainDicomTags”: {
“PatientBirthDate”: “”,
“PatientID”: “308”,
“PatientName”: “patb”,
“PatientSex”: “M”
“Series”: [
“Type”: “Study”
As the studies are in an array, i could not realize what is the correct operation to do.
This is what i have tried (tried change an array with one item, to an array with 2 items):
curl -X POST
-H 'authorization: Basic …
-H ‘cache-control: no-cache’
-H ‘postman-token: a3726a9b-07a6-2d36-9bf3-1a0d46845b4d’
-d ‘{“Replace”:{“PatientID”:“47181779”,“Studies”: [“0ea5cc9f-ff78a284-70679026-d72497b3-ba181eef”,“d764488b-2b71c859-9e214a2e-eba85e05-893190c5”]},“Force”:true}’
this is what i got:
“HttpError” : “Internal Server Error”,
“HttpStatus” : 500,
“Message” : “Unknown DICOM tag”,
“Method” : “POST”,
“OrthancError” : “Unknown DICOM tag”,
“OrthancStatus” : 27,
“Uri” : “/patients/f6946635-0a2df03c-261f9fc3-dd71bc3c-512ca809/modify”
than you in advance