I’m using Orthanc for the storage of some DICOM studies together with their segmentations and secondary capture images. The segmentations are created by a python library called pydicom-seg and I recently found out that sometimes the dicom output has an odd value in the lenght of the PixelData field (element (7fe0,0010)). For the DICOM communication with Orthanc I’m using the pynetdicom library, with a function I wrote myself which worked good with every file till now. When sending the odd PixelData files to Orthanc, the transfer fails because it receives an fragment with odd lenght and it aborts the association. I tried debugging using DCMTK’s storescp service and I found out that replacing the transfer syntax from Explicit VR Little Endian to Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian resolved the issue, by the way when testing this approach with my Orthanc instance, i get an error saying that such transfer syntax is unsupported (even if “DeflatedTransferSyntaxAccepted” is set to true in the json config file). How could I resolve this? I’m not finding any solution online.
For information: I’m running orthanc 1.9.7 in a docker container, I’ll leave here the errors
E0130 10:44:25.779967 StoreScp.cpp:272] Store SCP Failed: DIMSE: Odd Fragment Length: 4857 this is the error showed in the Orthanc docker log when trying to send the file with Explicit VR Little Endian.
(When using deflated, it won’t show anything in the log. I locally built a docker image and running it with --verbose showed me the “unsupported syntax” error).
def dimse_send(path_dcm_file, remoteAddress=‘’, remotePort=104, remoteAET=‘ANY-SCP’, task_name=‘PYNETDICOM’, SC=False):
LocalAE = AE(ae_title=task_name)
if isinstance(path_dcm_file, str):
dcm = dcmread(path_dcm_file)
dcm=path_dcm_file #if it’s not a path then it must be a dicom dataset
if SC==False:
uid=‘’.join(meta[(0x0002,0x0002)]) #SOP Class UID
transfer_syntax=‘’.join(meta[(0x0002,0x0010)]) #dicomFile Transfer Syntax UID as string
if len(dcm[(0x7fe0,0x0010)].value)%2 != 0:
print(‘pixel data with odd lenght - using Deflated Explicit VR transfer syntax’)
transfer_syntax= ‘1.2.840.10008.’
if len(dcm[(0x7fe0,0x0010)].value)%2 != 0:
print(‘pixel data with odd lenght - using Deflated Explicit VR transfer syntax’)
transfer_syntax= ‘1.2.840.10008.’
print(‘dimse UID : {}’.format(uid))
print(‘dimse transfer_syntax : {}’.format(transfer_syntax))
LocalAE.requested_contexts=[build_context(uid,transfer_syntax), build_context(uid,‘1.2.840.10008.’)] #Presentation context
assoc = LocalAE.associate(remoteAddress, remotePort, ae_title=remoteAET) #association between local and remote AE
if assoc.is_established:
# Association established
print(“DIMSE: Association established with REMOTE SCP!”)
status = assoc.send_c_store(dcm) #C-Store request with dicomFile attached
if status:
if(‘{0:04x}’.format(status.Status)==‘0000’): #Check if C-Store method run without errors (status=0x0000)
print(‘DIMSE: C-Store message sent successfully to REMOTE SCP!’)
print(‘No response received from Remote AE (timeout)’)
# Association rejected, aborted or never connected
print(“DIMSE: Failed to associate”)
This is the python function used for the data send.