Call to contributors - Wikipedia

Dear Orthanc users,

There are currently 2 pages on Wikipedia that provide a draft description of Orthanc (in English and in French):

The information found on these pages is still very sparse, and I think there is a need to greatly improve it, especially wrt. to the following features:

  • History.
  • General architecture (lightweight, C++, standalone, REST API, Orthanc Explorer…).
  • Available platforms (Windows, Linux, Docker, FreeBSD, support of Raspberry Pi, cloud, OS X…)
  • DICOM protocol support (C-Echo, C-Store, C-Find, C-Move, WADO-URI, WADO-RS, QIDO-RS, STOW-RS…).
  • Lua scripting.
  • Plugins (general framework, Web viewer, PostgreSQL, DICOMweb).
  • Comparison with other DICOM servers (notably dcm4chee).
    Even though all this information can be found somewhere on the official Web site ( or inside the Orthanc Book (, I think it should be summarized on Wikipedia to the benefit of a wider audience.

I could obviously do this job by myself. However, because Wikipedia is an Encyclopedia, I am not objective enough to carry on this writing task.

As a consequence, I launch a call to contributors: Could you help improve the pages about Orthanc on Wikipedia? I thank you much in advance!


Hi Sébastien,

I’ll have a look at it as soon as possible, for the french page.
