Beginner questions from Horos user

Hi all,
I am looking for a replacement for my current DICOM database/viewer solution (Horos) and trying to make sure Orthanc supports the key features I am after. Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.
My motivations for changes is the non-distributed, MacOS specific limitation of Horos. I am looking for a multiuser platfom that compares to the viewing efficiency of Horos.
My current use case involves mutliple research databases with extensive use of “labelling” of studies, eg “baseline” “follow up” and series eg, “DWI”, “NonContrastCT”, “perfusion” in order to provide uniform reference points to the multitude of naming conventions seen in multicenter studies. I was pleased to see that Orthanc supports this concept!
A second key requirement is API access (python) to the database to, for example, retrieve all series labelled DWI from label=“baseline”.
(Terminology of advanced features — Orthanc Book documentation)
Some specific questions I have:

  1. I like a split database/viewer setup. So you browse a study and see thumbnails for all series - I am used to this from Horos/Osirix and find it very efficient. I prefer not to have to click on a series to open it in a separate viewer which appears to be the case for Explorer 2.
    I do understand Orthanc is a DICOM backend - but is anyone aware of an integration of a split view?
  2. I see the ability to put study labels in the link below, but not series labels: Orthanc Explorer 2
    Is this just not implemented in the UI?
  3. In general, I think the explorer 2 UI looks great and is very close to what I am after - but with some customization. For example when opening the series view I would prefer to see an image and it’s labels over a list of instance numbers and paired SOPInstanceUIDs. How difficult is customization for people with javascript competencies?

Thanks again for any help you can provide!

Hi @soren

Yes, indeed, it is possible to attach labels at series level through the Rest API but this feature is currently not implemented in OE2 but this could come one day.

I get your point about the instance list not being very useful :wink: and I’m keeping track of your suggestion.
Concerning customization, OE2 is a vue3 app that is using the Orthanc Rest API but, your only way to customize it is to fork the repo. There are a few instructions on how to develop and build the project here.

Hope this helps,


Thank you for the clarifications @alainmazy - this sounds good to me and excited to try it out!
Thanks again!