Hello everyone,
Nice to find you in this self-hosted forum! Great!
I’m working on new pacs architecture with different kind of users.
I’ve configured Orthanc with authentication settings
// Whether or not the password protection is enabled
"AuthenticationEnabled" : true,
// The list of the registered users. Because Orthanc uses HTTP
// Basic Authentication, the passwords are stored as plain text.
"RegisteredUsers" : {
"user": "pass"
and it is working.
I put my own webapp over Orthanc, so my backend makes calls to desired url directly, like http://user:pass@ip:port in order to give right permissions to requesting user. It works but I’m redirect on blank page, only after refresh/reload I can view the page (every page, e.g. /app/explorer.html).
I don’t know why. Hope someone can help me.
Thank you so much
With more testing I noticed this error on chrome console:
uery.mobile.min.js:73 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL 'http://***:***/app/explorer.html' cannot be created in a document with origin 'http://***:***' and URL 'http://user:pass@***:***/app/explorer.html'.
at Object.init (http://user:pass@***:***/app/libs/jquery.mobile.min.js:73:77)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (http://user:pass@***:***/app/libs/jquery.mobile.min.js:73:189)
at o (http://user:pass@***:***/app/libs/jquery.min.js:2:14733)
at Object.fireWith (http://user:pass@***:***/app/libs/jquery.min.js:2:15502)
at Function.ready (http://user:pass@***:***/app/libs/jquery.min.js:2:9594)
at HTMLDocument.B (http://user:pass@***:***/app/libs/jquery.min.js:2:14290)
And contrary to what has been said, with calls like
I’m redirected to web viewer but console error remains.
Thank you again