Hi there!
I’m trying to use Orthanc with AWSS3Storage official plugin, but found an interesting bug: if you have any kind of error during orthanc start (e.g. DB is unreachable, S3 bucket doesn’t exist) or during the work (broken DICOM file uploaded) - orthanc container will stuck in finalizing state forever on stop event. I tried both minio and real AWS config, the result is the same.
The log looks like:
W0104 15:31:54.812367 main.cpp:890] Orthanc has started
^CW0104 15:33:11.349087 main.cpp:952] Orthanc is stopping
W0104 15:33:11.509372 main.cpp:1170] HTTP server has stopped
W0104 15:33:12.156295 main.cpp:1279] DICOM server has stopped
W0104 15:33:12.263573 JobsEngine.cpp:312] The jobs engine has stopped
W0104 15:33:12.339391 PluginsManager.cpp:219] Unregistering plugin ‘AWS S3 Storage’ (version 1.3.3)
W0104 15:33:12.339491 PluginsManager.cpp:168] AWS S3 Storage plugin is finalizing
Do somebody ever seen something like this? Any suggestion on how to fix it?
Orthanc version is 1.9.3, plugin version is 1.3.3, docker config attached to this message
os3-orthank.txt (1.75 KB)