Does Orthanc provide the possibility of automatic login to the DICOMWeb or Stone Web Viewer client via http/https? In order to then enter the consultation link and then share the images on Stone Web Viewer to the patient. Or rather, I need the login to work out of the box.
By default, Orthanc only supports basic HTTP authentication. What you call the “login” is handled by the browser itself. You can imagine that any sort of “auto-login” would expose the Orthanc credentials which would grant access to the full Orthanc content. E.g, you can actually provide credentials in the url directly: http://orthanc:orthanc@localhost:8042/system.
If you need to share e.g only a single study with a user, you should have a look at the orthanc-auth-service side project.
I realized that you are his main developer of the Orthanc-auth-service.
You could indicate exactly the part of the code, which interacts with Orthanc API RESTFULL that performs the authentication, so I then launch the “curl” in the background, and provide access directly to the patient by simply filling the form as below:
You should play with this sample setup first and understand how that works.
In this setup, you have 2 orthancs: one that is protected by a login/pwd and one that is used for “shares”.
I understand that you want to have a web-form in which patients enter an AccessionNumber and the PatientBirthDate to access their data and then, access the study - I will not discuss the weak security here, people may try/guess values and get access to other patient data.
Once your patient has entered valid values in the form, your backend should get the StudyInstanceUID from the accession number using /tools/find and then, create a publication link or instant link through the Rest API of the auth-service through this kind of query:
(this is explained in the main README) and then, your backend should redirect your user to that link. This link does not need a login/pwd because it will use a JWT token