Applying an equation to a DICOM image?


I would like to take an image produced by an MRI and apply a simple linear equation to the image. The goal is to produce a new modified DICOM image.

Reading the DICOM format I was thinking this information would be located within the PixelData tag, but that doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case.

Is this something I can accomplish with Lua scripting?


In my opinion you don’t have the ideal tool. Orthanc’s strength is storing and transporting images. ImageJ will let you work on the image itself and then save it.
Dicom is a header followed by the data itself. The different tags are part of the header and the final tag signifies the beginning of the actual data.
We have a plugin to ImageJ which will read and write to the Orthanc server ( This way you get the best of both worlds. In the software there is a Dicom write which lets you write out your modified data.

Thank you for your input Ilan Tal, I will take a look at your plugin.
