Any experience or known issues pushing to Fuji, Agfa, Siemens or Carestream


   Does any know if there are any compatibility issues with having Orthanc send studies to an AFGA, Fuji, Siemens or Carestream PACS servers? I've successfully tested sending to NovaRad and that worked fine, but I just wanted to see if anyone has had any experience with any of the above and have noticed any issues.

   I know that it is suppose to be standard but the comment from the config file:

     * A fourth parameter is available to enable patches for a
     * specific PACS manufacturer.

makes me want to double check if people have successfully sent to these servers.



During the development of Orthanc, I often work with Agfa, Philips, Siemens, PukkaJ and Elekta modalities. I also test against open-source tools such as OsiriX, Dcm4che, medInria, Slicer and Ginkgo CADx. To the best of my knowledge, all of them work fine with Orthanc.

The “manufacturer” option is currently used for 2 very limited purposes:

  1. During a C-Find SCU request over the instance level, some modalities use the “IMAGE” and others the “INSTANCE” tag to identify the instance.
  2. The “storescp” tool from DCMTK cannot reuse a connection and might block in this case.

In most use cases, the “Generic” manufacturer will thus work perfectly fine.


Excellent! Thanks so much for the reply.


Carestream is also good

Carestream is also good