I am using the advanced authorization plugin for orthanc that call “in-house” REST API to check authorization, based on Token header value.
Over dicomweb-plugin, this works ok for:
but not for metadata endpoint (403 htp code):
The same token is used for all requests.
Based on documentation page, to avoid http calls for each level I have:
- AUTHZ_UNCHECKED_LEVELS=[“patient”, “series”, “instances”]
I tried to add metadata also, but it seems that it’s not a part of DICOM hierarchy.
In my orthanc console I found a strange message: “A validity duration cannot be negative”
What is validity duration message? Is about authorization plugin? My REST API is returning 200 HTTP code for token validation.
I copy/paste here a message that was not properly handled by Google Groups:
Alexandru Mihai Vuta verso.930@gmail.com 17 August 2020 at 15:35
Fixed, before I used orthanc 1.5.x version. After upgrading to 1.7.2, authorization plugin do not accept anymore negative values for validity field (inside reponse object).
Now I have another issue that I think is a BUG in advanced authorization plugin.
Using DICOM-WEB plugin, the ADVANCED AUTHORIZATION PLUGIN is not able to secure metdata`s endpoint.
So I have this request made by OHIF viewer over DICOM-WEB plugin, asking for metadatas (got 403):
Authorization was provided via ‘Token’ header.
Authorization endpoint was called by ORTHANC with these information:
Obviously, my service was not able to allow this request because dicomUid is null. I think that studies/xxx/series/xxx/metadata endpoint is not a part of DICOM hierarchy.
How can I handle this issue?
My answer: Please provide a minimal working example so that other people can understand and reproduce your issue:
Ok, here is a demo project that simulate what I am trying to accomplish in production: https://github.com/alexvuta/orthanc-authorization-service-demo
Finally I understand how this thing works:
But, here it is not able to get dicom-uid information and we have uri information in payload to make authorization decisions based on url (e.g. get uid from provided url)
I don’t get the reason why, since is on the same path (studies)
However, in my example you can reproduce this based on README instructions.
I hope that my github example projec will be usefull for somebody one day.
Pe luni, 17 august 2020, la 21:13:01 UTC+3, s.jo...@gmail.com a scris: