I haven’t had much time to jump on the OHIF meetings or forums, but I did make some new trials.
I was able to run the demo docker compose constellation of keycloak, orthanc, the standalone OHIF viewer, etc as put together by the Orthanc Team.
In that setup, the Orthanc is proxied at the sub-url /orthanc and the OHIF is proxied at /ohif. So it is possible to proxy the respective servers at something other than the top level address.
The OHIF viewer launches fine and has the segmentation list on the far right BUT NOT the ability to add segmentations.
If I replace “ohif/viewer” in the URL with “ohif/segmentation” I can pull up the same page, now with the ability to add new segmentations.
When I run the OHIF plugin with my own Orthanc setup:
The segmentation list appears, but no ability to add segmentations
If I change “viewer” in the URL to “segmentation”, a 404 is generated.
So, either the Orthanc or the plugin fail to resolve the segmentation URL.
I’m not sure if its a feature that needs turning on in OHIF or the plugin.
Hi, I faced the same problem with the separate /segmentation route. I believe there is no configuration to resolve the /segmentation path in the OHIF plugin.
As for the “The segmentation list appears, but no ability to add segmentations”, I believe there is a configuration in the OHIF, on this path: modes\longitudinal\src\index.js that disables adding segmentation in the longitudinal mode.
@alainmazy Maybe we can package the OHIF v3.8-beta, which has the segmentation mode set up out of the box. Then have a config corresponding to the different mode URLs.
The only thing you need to do is click on “open in OHIF” on a study and then change “viewer” into “segmentation” manually in the URL. It nicely loads DICOM SEG files from the orthanc. Note that I’m using orthancteam/orthanc:latest with OHIF v3.8.0-beta.56
The standalone OHIF works fine, however, the Orthanc OHIF plugin does not. The Orthanc server has fixed routes for the viewer and returns a 404 for custom OHIF modes.
I tried building the OHIF plugin with my OHIF clone with some changes in the basic mode and that worked fine. It’s the custom routes that return 404.
FYI, in the ohif-plugin mainline (not released yet), I have just updated to OHIF 3.8.0-beta.60 that includes the segmentation mode (+ experimental microscopy mode) and I have updated the plugin to allow opening the /ohif/segmentation?... route.
I have also added buttons in OE2 and in the legacy UI to open the segmentation mode.
Note that I’ll wait until the next official OHIF release before releasing the OHIF plugin…
We can simply change the URL that is used to clone the OHIF repo to any URL we want.
Then, in the OHIF plugin builder, add the routes as required like this:
else if (uri == "" || // Study list
uri == "tmtv" || // Total metabolic tumor volume
uri == "viewer" || // Default viewer (including MPR)
uri == "segmentation" || // Segmentation mode
uri == "microscopy" || // Microscopy mode
uri == "custom-mode" // A custom mode URL
I tried this approach and it worked, but I’m unsure if it’s the best way to go about it.
Just a note to clarify our interactions with OHIF: The Orthanc server and the OHIF viewer are fully separate projects, with distinct communities. The Orthanc project only provides a plugin to facilitate the deployment of OHIF through Orthanc.
As a consequence, the Orthanc project will only package official releases of OHIF. From what I understand, the segmentation viewer is a feature that is still in development and that is not part of the latest release 3.7.0 of OHIF.
We’ll consider the inclusion of the segmentation viewer inside the OHIF plugin for Orthanc only after it is part of an official release of OHIF.
Update: I have recently tried to upgrade OHIF from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 (which was officially released about one week ago), but OHIF 3.8.0 is currently affected by an issue that prevents the release.