zip download error


Has anyone had trouble downloading zip files from the Orthanc Explorer? When I try to download the zip file it takes a few minutes and then says it has successfully completed but when I view the zip file its too small to contain any files or says “invalid zip”. I’m wondering if its because we have a lot of large multi-band sequences in our protocol?

I have had it successfully work twice. I have not done anything differently when it doesn’t work and the scan files are about the same size.

Thank you!



If your DICOM study is so large that it takes a few minutes to generate a ZIP file, this leads to a timeout in the HTTP protocol.

You should use the asynchronous mode to generate the ZIP file (which is not implemented in the Orthanc Explorer):

Here is a sample interactive session of such an asynchronous operation:

$ curl http://localhost:8042/studies/8fb41d30-e6057100-f693d86f-b6819d72-4fc1a9b9/archive -X POST -d ‘{“Synchronous”:false}’
“ID” : “24c22a0f-0ec1-468e-a4e8-73ac2ec8a741”,
“Path” : “/jobs/24c22a0f-0ec1-468e-a4e8-73ac2ec8a741
$ curl http://localhost:8042/jobs/24c22a0f-0ec1-468e-a4e8-73ac2ec8a741
“CompletionTime” : “20190508T082249.985684”,
“Content” : {
“Description” : “REST API”,
“InstancesCount” : 46,
“UncompressedSizeMB” : 5
“CreationTime” : “20190508T082249.727206”,
“EffectiveRuntime” : 0.255,
“ErrorCode” : 0,
“ErrorDescription” : “Success”,
“ID” : “24c22a0f-0ec1-468e-a4e8-73ac2ec8a741”,
“Priority” : 0,
“Progress” : 100,
“State” : “Success”,
“Timestamp” : “20190508T082257.001143”,
“Type” : “Archive”
$ curl http://localhost:8042/jobs/24c22a0f-0ec1-468e-a4e8-73ac2ec8a741/**archive** > /tmp/



Hi Sebastien,

Thank you for your response. We’re having some trouble with this:

The first call:
$ curl http://localhost:8042/studies/8fb41d30-e6057100-f693d86f-b6819d72-4fc1a9b9/archive -X POST -d ‘{“Synchronous”:false}’

contains what I assume is the uuid (e.g., http://localhost:8042/app/explorer.html#study?uuid=8fb41d30-e6057100-f693d86f-b6819d72-4fc1a9b9 ) from the orthanc explorer, but I really have no clue as that string (8fb41…) disappears in the subsequent calls like:

$ curl http://localhost:8042/jobs/24c22a0f-0ec1-468e-a4e8-73ac2ec8a741

So, I don’t know where we would find that 8fb string, and when I try using the id (or uuid) from orthanc explorer, none of the steps work. I’m also not sure I can make asynchronous calls as that syntax generates errors like:

Invoke-WebRequest : Parameter cannot be processed because the parameter name ‘d’ is ambiguous. Possibl

include: -DisableKeepAlive -Debug.

At line:1 char:97

  • … rchive -X POST -d

  • ~~

  • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:slight_smile: [Invoke-WebRequest], ParameterBindingException

  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

I have attached a screenshot as well.

Thank you!


The “8fb…” ID is indeed the Orthanc identifier of a DICOM study of mine:

The “24c…” ID is the random identifier of the asynchronous job that consists in creating an archive from the study:

As an unique, random identifier, the “24c…” will change for each call to the asynchronous API.

Thanks for this information. Unfortunately, I cannot get any of the calls with various combinations of POST syntax I’ve tried to work. Are there any examples of asynchronous calls on a windows installation of orthanc? If none of the syntax works, does this mean I don’t have the rest API installed properly? For example -X POST generates syntax errors, but -Method POST seems to be acceptable syntax, it just still fails to recognize/understand the ‘{“synchronous”:false}’ part.

For example, if I just run curl http://localhost:8042/jobs

I can guarantee you that the calls from my previous post work properly on GNU/Linux platforms with bash:

This is a Windows-specific issue related to escaping characters in shells, for which I personally can’t provide support:


When you type curl, it actually calls Invoke-WebRequest, that is not compatible with curl in terms of flags (The Powershell team admitted that hijacking the curl alias was a very bad idea)

To sole this, you can either choose to install and use curl or fix the Invoke-WebRequest flags.

  • In order to use curl from Powershell, use curl.exe instead of curl : this will ensure the actual curl is used.

  • If you prefer to use the Windows native tools, you can find an example of Invoke-WebRequest in the Orthanc book :

Hope this helps!

Thanks for this info Benjamin.

I can now run:

PS C:\Users\VHASFCROACHB> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8042/studies/608332e1-535e1e15-f97f323f-4560532e-be794
7f5/archive -Method POST -Body ‘{“Synchronous”:false}’

and get:

StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : {
“ID” : “768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37”,
“Path” : “/jobs/768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37”

RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 111
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

“ID” : “768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37”,
“Path” : "/jobs/768698d3-fc25-4f40…
Forms : {}
Headers : {[Connection, keep-alive], [Content-Length, 111], [Content-Type, application/json; charset=utf-8]}
Images : {}
InputFields : {}
Links : {}
ParsedHtml : System.__ComObject
RawContentLength : 111

then I can run:
PS C:\Users\VHASFCROACHB> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8042/jobs/768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37

and get:

StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : {
“Content” : {
“Description” : “REST API”,
“InstancesCount” : 9533,
“UncompressedSizeMB” : 2498
“CreationTime” : “20190520T204028.318424”,
“EffectiveRuntime” : 142.75…
RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 504
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

“Content” : {
“Description” : “REST API”,
“InstancesCount” : 9533,

Forms : {}
Headers : {[Connection, keep-alive], [Content-Length, 504], [Content-Type, application/json; charset=utf-8]}
Images : {}
InputFields : {}
Links : {}
ParsedHtml : System.__ComObject
RawContentLength : 504

If I just plug that url into a browser, I can keep getting the full json information, which eventually lists:

“CompletionTime” : “20190520T205821.664025”,
“Content” : {
“Description” : “REST API”,
“InstancesCount” : 9533,
“UncompressedSizeMB” : 2498
“CreationTime” : “20190520T204028.318424”,
“EffectiveRuntime” : 1028.9929999999999,
“ErrorCode” : 0,
“ErrorDescription” : “Success”,
“ID” : “768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37”,
“Priority” : 0,
“Progress” : 100,
“State” : “Success”,
“Timestamp” : “20190520T214238.507178”,
“Type” : “Archive”

then I try:

PS C:\Users\VHASFCROACHB> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8042/jobs/768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37/archive > D:.…\

and this did not work - the zip file is corrupted, even though I saw a long-running dialogue in the power shell indicating that lots of bytes were being read. Have I made an obvious syntax error at this last step or in some prior step?


Hello Brian

Redirecting the binary output of Powershell commands using the > operator is unfortunately often unreliable (see I think this was not part of their design goals to treat raw bytes as pipe-able data. This is often a problem when mixing unix-style command line programs with Powershell.

Could you please give it a try using the Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile parameter ?

Let me know how this goes!

It worked!!! Thank you so much!

specifically, this:

PS C:\Users\VHASFCROACHB> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8042/jobs/768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37/archive
-OutFile ‘D:.…\’

The -OutFile argument must be a ‘characterString’ path to the destination OutFile, so single quote were required to make it work. If you run it this way:

PS C:\Users\VHASFCROACHB> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8042/jobs/768698d3-fc25-4f40-a5b8-7bf3714bcb37/archive
-OutFile D:.…\

It seems like it’s working, generates a file, but the file is not the actual archive.

Hi Brian

Thanks for the feedback!

I am puzzled as to why the single quotes are required in this case.

Were there maybe spaces or backticks (`) in the D:.… file path? Being given what happens without quotes, it seems to be something else but my imagination fails on me on that one!
