web-dicom configuration issues behind nginx (non-root)

Hi community,

I have a working orthanc setup running on dicom.mydomain.com where everything has been working great for two years, including loading images with weasis:// links from a website.

However, I am now trying to build another orthanc server, using docker on ubuntu 20.04 on a non-root domain, e.g. subdomain.mydomain.com/orthanc, using nginx
I used the instructions found here “https://book.orthanc-server.com/faq/nginx.html” and orthanc works great, including stone web viewer to load the images.

However, loading images with an weasis:// link is not working.
checking the nginx access log shows that the first GET request goes to /orthanc/dicom-web/… and works OK (http 200), the following ones however go to /dicom-web/… (without orthanc) and result in http 404 (not found).
Seems that some re-direction is not working properly.

Any advice would be very appreciated!
Unfortunately I cannot run on a sub-domain on that new server, as I have only limited sub-domains, so I need to move orthanc into a folder.

Kind regards,

Hi Ruediger,

Have you tried setting the ‘PublicRoot’ option (https://book.orthanc-server.com/plugins/dicomweb.html#server-related-options) ?

In your case, you would likely set it to ‘/orthanc/dicom-web/’.



Hi Alain,

thanks for your help.
I have set the PublicRoot option via docker compose file, but I made a typo, forgot to add an underline before “Root”.
Thanks to your help I looked into the config file again and found it.
Now everything is working great, Orthanc is awesome :slight_smile:
Kind regards,