wado request error. Not Found


I am getting the “Not Found” error from Orthanc when I try to retrieve a jpeg from a wado request, but when I look into the Osimis Viewer the images are loaded correctly.

I am using the wado url http://mlpacs02.maislaudo.com.br:8042/wado?objectUID=xxxxxxxxx&requestType=WADO and it is working for all the studies, but I get this error for some of them.

I have attached two files that exemplify it.

Thanks for all the help.

Best Regards,

orthanc error 2.jpg

orthanc error 1.png


Please provide a sample DICOM file so that we can provide support.


Hi Sebastian,

Here is the link to the Dicom file:

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards,

Hi Sebatian, how are you?

Were you able to look into the Dicom file?

Best Regards,


Your image works properly with the DICOMweb plugin. Here is the full command line:

curl ‘http://localhost:8042/wado?objectUID=1.2.392.200036.9125.9.0.2686160661.168350664.3221165803&requestType=WADO’ > wado.jpg

The “1.2.392.200036.9125.9.0.2686160661.168350664.3221165803” corresponds to the value of the “SOP Instance UID” (0008,0018) DICOM tag of the file you provided.
