Uploading instances to Orthanc doens't return a body

I’m trying to upload a ZIP file to Orthanc with new instances. The upload process completes successfully (the study instances are uploaded) but there is no response body returned to the request. So I can’t determine what is the new ID of the study. Screenshot from 2021-07-11 20-17-53.png


If you upload single instances or a zip with instances through the web interface, indeed, you don’t get any feedback.

However, if you send the zip file via HTTP to the /instances route using a common HTTP client, you’ll get the list of instances:
curl -v http://localhost:8042/instances --data-binary @dicom.zip

will return something like:
“ID” : “5d4a3991-8a265cb2-da669bea-d8c761af-4a77113a”,
“ParentPatient” : “69a957ab-57545037-ce9a492a-d0bd89c1-d7e2220d”,
“ParentSeries” : “87c81b2c-e9f92adf-2dc11d37-399b5214-37275cdb”,
“ParentStudy” : “1b1cc0c9-c0377071-78e8cd3a-2e382948-a243db42”,
“Path” : “/instances/5d4a3991-8a265cb2-da669bea-d8c761af-4a77113a”,
“Status” : “AlreadyStored”
“ID” : “7a901dee-12c7d004-6288e652-4897898b-555f4c69”,
“ParentPatient” : “69a957ab-57545037-ce9a492a-d0bd89c1-d7e2220d”,
“ParentSeries” : “87c81b2c-e9f92adf-2dc11d37-399b5214-37275cdb”,
“ParentStudy” : “1b1cc0c9-c0377071-78e8cd3a-2e382948-a243db42”,
“Path” : “/instances/7a901dee-12c7d004-6288e652-4897898b-555f4c69”,
“Status” : “AlreadyStored”

The browser submits a form with a multipart attachment which is slightly different from a standard POST request from an HTTP client. They are handled differently in Orthanc. For the record, this was introduced in Orthanc in this changeset: https://hg.orthanc-server.com/orthanc/rev/4454

Best regards,


Screenshot from 2021-07-11 20-17-53.png