unable to preview intances

i am using orthanc0.9.3 on windows 7 platform, unable to preview the instances its showing as unsupported format.
   could you please help me....


You should provide sample DICOM instances if you want to get directions for further help.


ofcourse, i have uploaded some sample instances
thank u for reply

No, I mean, you should post sample instances on this forum. Otherwise, the community cannot help you.

how can i do that

This is up to you to decide: DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive…

ok then, i am attaching some instances

IM-0001-0001.dcm (42.1 KB)

IM-0001-0002.dcm (42.2 KB)

IM-0001-0003.dcm (42.2 KB)

IM-0001-0004.dcm (42.3 KB)

OK, these are JPEG2k-encoded images.

To view them, you’ll need to use the Web Viewer plugin:


how to install those plugins, can you guide step by step, because i tried those step in links that you have attached , its not working. please…

You have to download the “.dll” file at:

Edit the configuration file of Orthanc from the Start Menu.

Modify the “Plugins” section of this configuration file to point to the location of the “OrthancWebViewer-1.2.dll” file.

Then, restart the Orthanc service:

where to place the .dll file

Wherever you want…

The best is probably next to the configuration file, but this is not mandatory.

give me moment to try it, thank you

i placed and provided path as
“Plugins” : [
then i restated service and tried to open orthanc explorer, it results in “this web page is not available”

Your configuration file is not a proper JSON file, as it contains backslashes. You should see an error in the logs (also accessible from the Start Menu).

Replace "" by “/”:


“Plugins” : [



its working, thanks a lot for support

hai, how to know port number and AETitle

They are set in the configuration file of Orthanc (“DicomAet” and “DicomPort”).

are they unique to every user, so that we can communicate to each other
thanks for replying

Sorry, but I cannot provide introduction about DICOM networking to everyone on this forum.

Please refer to existing textbooks, such as: