Storage path access denied on ubuntu 24.04

Hello family, recently i installed orthanc on ubuntu 24.04. I have one SSD and one HDD with 8T of storage. In the configuration of file, postgresql is managing the indexing of the data base. I also did change the path of strorage to the HDD while the index files and the database are all kept on the SSD.
Orthanc Couldn’t start… In the log file I was getting [boost:…: access denied to directory …/storage]
I changed the drive partition table from NTFs to ext4 yet still the system keeps telling me i do not have access to the drive… saying you are not the owner of this drive…
Is there something am missing.


This presumably means that you don’t have write permissions to this folder.


thanks for the quick response… Ok pls i want to host orthanc such that it can be access everywhere through VPN… i want to access the dicom images using weasis via VPN so when am away from work i can still use weasis to access the pacs and download images… any advice please?
like procedures and guidelines will be helpful.


This is a general question about VPN that is by no way specific to Orthanc. You can find many resources on this topic on Internet. I would strongly advise to document yourself about the features of SSH: Secure Shell - Wikipedia
