Storage Compression Clarification

So on the 27th of April, I changed a setting in my config, the “StorageCompression” and set it to true. I live on the east coast and performed this change around 7am which would be 4 am where all my test studies are coming from so no one was actively sending images.

I did restart the Orthanc service to apply the new changes

Before today, I ran Orthanc with this setting set to false and as expected I have full dicoms in my storage area. Around 15kb per image.

What I was expecting after the change were files that were smaller in size. Is this what I should be expecting and also should it be under a different file extension?

Thank you in advanced. Any and all advice is very much appreciated.

Craig Rollison.

Hi Craig,

When you change such a setting, the new setting will apply only to data received after you’ve changed it.
Note that I’m currently working on a plugin that would reprocess the whole storage after such a change but it’s not ready yet.

Best regards,



As a complement of information, for the explanation about the “15kb” files, check out this section of the Orthanc Book about “attachment 3”:
