Sante PACS to Orthanc CStore error

Hi Orthanc team,

I tried to Cstore some files from Sante Free PACS version 1.1.0 to various versions orthancteam/orthanc and all of them logged the same error. I am using the docker image with the default orthanc.json config.

W0424 09:03:55.639795             MAIN main.cpp:2049] Orthanc version: mainline (20240209T082047)
... // other initialization logs
W0424 09:05:32.739890             MAIN HttpServer.cpp:1803] HTTP server listening on port: 8042 (HTTPS encryption is disabled, remote access is allowed)
W0424 09:05:32.739919             MAIN main.cpp:925] Orthanc has started
E0424 09:43:46.308055          DICOM-6 StoreScp.cpp:273] Store SCP Failed: DIMSE Read PDV failed
0006:0308 DUL Illegal PDU Length 16390.  Max expected 16384

I tried to change the PDU length to different values but it seems like the server always expects a value (-6) the set value, i.e. if I set it to 20000, the log will be:

0006:0308 DUL Illegal PDU Length 20000.  Max expected 19994

Any help on this error would be super helpful!

Thanks in advance.



I have just captured the C-Store and here is what I see:
SANTE-> Orthanc: Max PDU declared: 16384

Orthanc → Sante: Max PDU declared: 16384

SANTE → Orthanc: PDU used: 16390

So, Orthanc does not seem to be the culprit on that one and I suggest you to get in touch with the Sante support.

Best regards,


Hi Alain,
I am curious what tool did you use for capturing the c-store (on the pictures)? Did you use Wireshark ?

Yes, Wireshark. It has a DICOM filter/translater that is quite nice !

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