Hi Team,
Please find attached a patch I developed for the S3 Objet Storage plugin.
This patch allows you to configure the S3 Plugin using specific the AccessKey & SecretKey properties in the orthanc.json configuration. Or if they are not present to use the default AWS credentials provider chain, which looks for credentials in environment variables, standard AWS configuration files or most usefully, AWS EC2 metadata service. (https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-cpp/blob/master/Docs/Credentials_Providers.md)
By using the default credentials provider, allows us to use AWS roles attached to specific EC2 instances to control access to the S3 storage buckets when running in AWS rather than manually specifying and managing access keys. This is as per AWS best practices.
I’m sorry, my C++ isn’t great, so there is undoubtedly room to improve this patch.
patch.diff (2.54 KB)