I now have permission. In the orthanc-auth-service container:
"admin": "change-me", \\ Must have this line
"doctor": "change-me"
In the orthanc container:
Instead of:
"WebServiceUsername": "share-user",
I should have:
"WebServiceUsername": "admin",
Then I have permission to upload.
A couple of problems:
When I upload, it takes forever, with no progress, and appears to hang. It even hangs in ssh terminal. I see it takes it immense amount of memory and CPU (I only have 1 GB of each in my Oracle instance). Then finally, when I see I have regained access to ssh, I can refresh the Orthanc page and I see the study there.
When I try to view the study with OHIF, it’s a black screen. I click on the study, click on “View in OHIF” and it’s black. It doesn’t matter how long I wait… it stays black. If I go to https://mydomain.com/orthanc/ohif/ it redirects me to https://mydomain.com/orthanc/ohif/notfoundserver and says:
Unable to query for studies at this time. Check your data source configuration or network connection