Hi there,
I have a general question on the QueryRetrieveSize,
I have an app on the top of Orthanc (called Orthanc_Tools) which provide a GUI for queries.
I have done a similar work than the web interface in the Orthanc web interface, when a Study query is made I show in the interface all Studies answser and then for each click on a study I send a Serie query to retrieve the series details.
In the interface I enabled both retrieve from Studies and Series level.
The problem is :
When the user click on multiple studies to show their content, he generate many Series queries. If he click more than 10 times (QueryRetrievSize default value) then the original Query Study is lost from Orthanc memory and thus break the possibility to make a retrieve at the Study level.
I guess the Orthanc Explorer suffers from the same problem, if the user go series and studies more than 10 times the original study request is lost as well.
I was wondering if it would be better to store independently a QueryRetrieveSize number of Studies request and QueryRetrieveSize of Series request.
It would be safer regarding the retrieve at the study level since the last study query will always be in memory no matters how much Series queries are made since the last study query.
However I imagine that this could introduce a significant amount of change in Orthanc, so it is just a “general question” to put some ideas on the table.
Best regards,