$ dciodvfy 1.img
(0x4c41,0x4f47) ? - Warning - Private tag without owner
(0x4c41,0x4f47) ? - Warning - Unrecognized tag - assuming explicit value representation OK
(0x4c41,0x4f47) ? Warning - Value representation unsupported by this implementation -
(0x4c41,0x4f47) ? Warning - Unrecognized or unsupported tag - skipping
Error - Seek failed - while skipping remainder of Unrecognized or unsupported tag - skipping
Error - Dicom dataset read failed
Error - Media Storage SOP Instance UID but missing SOP Instance UID and not a directory
Error - Media Storage SOP Class UID but missing SOP Class UID and not a directory
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Patient ID
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Study Date
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Study Time
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Study ID
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Modality
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Series Number
Error - Information Object Not found
Get in touch with the support team of your modality in order to ask them how to fix compatibility with the DICOM standard (you pay them to this end).