I configure three instances of orthnac server, latest version 1.96 in my office and are running for several years the first in a windows 10 machine and the other two instances that share the same postgre database in a synology 1618 as docker, as a back up. The servers were extremely stable the last five years, After a sudden failure of electricity in my office last night the ups did not solve the situation and my equipment gone down. Restarting the equipment recover orthanc in windows machine and one instance of orthanc in synology, the other one fail to restart. Deleting the webcache folder resolve the situation and orthanc instance restart.
The orthanc book frequently asked questions, document this situation
If Orthanc does not start anymore after a hard shutdown, this might reflect a corruption in the cache of the Web viewer. In such a case, it is safe to remove the folder that contains the cache. By default, this folder is called OrthancStorage/WebViewerCache/. Of course, don’t remove the folder OrthancStorage/, as it contains the DICOM files.
My question is if there is a way to prevent this situation; Why this situation apear only in one of my orthanc instances although both of them have olmost the same configuration running the same machine sharing the same database and orthancstorage;
Many thanks,
The blackout appear at 3 oclock after midnight with no activity in my server