Possible mismatch for the Viewer Icons in Explorer 2 release: 22.10.4

I just built one of my dev packages using that Osimis Docker Image.

It seems like the icons for the various viewers have changed from what I recall they were previously.

The rendered HTML (minus some css classes, etc. and with labels) is shown below, which based on the URL’s format I think is:

MedDream, Osimis, Stone and OHIF.

I thought it was different than that previously ?

My Config for those in orthanc.json is:

“EnableOpenInOhifViewer”: true,
“OhifViewerPublicRoot” : “http://to-be-defined/”,
“EnableOpenInMedDreamViewer”: true,
“MedDreamViewerPublicRoot” : “http://localhost”,

Hard to explain how my configuration could cause that.

**Med Dream**** **Osimis** **Stone** **OHIF**

Stephen D. Scotti

Hi Stephen,

Yes, icons have changed (this is documented in the release notes). We considered that the grid and columns-gap icons were not explicit enough and we assumed that no one would ever have the 4 viewers configured → we moved ‘grid’ and ‘columns-gap’ only for the 3rd and 4th enabled viewer.
I will introduce a config such that you can select the ordering of viewers.

Best regards,


Hi Stephen,

I have introduced 2 new configurations to select the icons: https://github.com/orthanc-server/orthanc-explorer-2/blob/master/Plugin/DefaultConfiguration.json#L40

The default behaviour is the one from v 0.4.1.

This has been released in OE2 v 0.4.3 included in osimis/orthanc:22.11.1

Best regards,
