Possible Memory Leak with Multiframe DICOM (Orthanc+OHIF)


For Issue 1:
I’m not sure what version you are actually using. I tried with osimis/orthanc:23.9.2 and docker stats does not show memory usage higher than 600-700 MB that goes down to 200-300 MB after loading. Frames 94 opens correctly

For Issue 2:
Indeed, I observe high cpu load when ingesting but this is expected since transcoding occurs.
When viewing, there is a high CPU indeed while the HTTP threads are serving the frames and extracting them from the multi-frame files. The messages about transcoding are misleading as explained in this thread.

The memory usage goes up to 2.5 GB which is actually the size of the study once stored uncompressed. I tried limiting the container allocated memory to 4 GB and reload the OHIF viewer many times and its not growing and sometimes going back to 1 GB so I don’t think there is a leak here.
Feel free to check the implementation notes about memory consumption for more details.

So, nothing to worry about so far. But feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

Best regards,
