Performin Find within Orthanc for time frames

Consider a find request with following bodies:

“Query”: {
“StudyDate”: “20240514-20240515”,

this will retrieve studies between May 14 and May 15.


“Query”: {
“StudyDate”: “20240514”,
“StudyTime”: “140000-150000”

And this will return the studies of May 14, between 14:00 and 15:00


“Query”: {
“StudyDate”: “20240514-20240515”,
“StudyTime”: “140000-150000”

And this one, will return studies of May 14 between 14:00-15:00, and studies of May 15 between 14:00-15:00.
But I think it’s expected to return studies between May14 14:00 to May 15 15:00.

Is this a bug, or by design?
And how can i achive what I want?

Hello (word used as a greeting or to begin a conversation)

Yes, this can be considered as a bug. I’m adding it to our TODO but don’t expect it to be fixed in a near future.

As a workaround, you should filter only by StudyDate and then, filter yourself by StudyTime by combining the returned Date and Time.

Best regards,



Here is the direct link to the DICOM specification that covers this question: C. Range Matching

Quoting: “For example, a Study Date of “20060705-20060707” and a Study Time of “1000-1800” will match the time period of July 5, 10am until July 7, 6pm, rather than the three time periods of 10am until 6pm on each of July 5, July 6 and July 7, as would be the case without Extended Negotiation.”

The current behavior of Orthanc is thus consistent with the standard case “without Extended Negotiation”.
