I have noticed that when searching for anything in explorer you have to enter the complete string in order for explorer to return any results.
For instance, if you search for “Tom” in the Patient Name field you will get no results
If you search for “Tom^Thompson^” you get study results for this patient
Furthermore, if you just click All patients, All studies or Do lookup and load the entire list, you can then filter and typing only 3 letters will start to filter the results
Is there a way to enable the functionality of “filter” into the main search function?
For instance, if in the patient name area I type “Tom” results would display for “Tom^Thompson^” instead of either needing to type the entire string or clicking “Do lookup” and then filtering the result?
This would be helpful with all other fields as well such as Patient ID or Study Description. Needing to take the extra step to click to perform an empty search just so you can filter those results sort of makes this app experience feel broken for the end user. Must be some sort of fix?