Hi there,
I’m using a Java app to send a batch of DICOM to Orthanc. It is very close to the ImportDicomFiles.py, it’s scan recursively folder and send the file to Orthanc.
The batch of DICOM sended could be very huge (thousands of instances) but at the end of the process I want to know what are the new study/Patient uploaded (in my case I want to know the studies level).
At DICOM writing Orthanc give back the stored instance ID.
I made a loop that query the /instance/{ID}/study api to get the parent study.
It is working well but I’m making A LOT of Rest request as I need to query the Instance level, so I find a new study only once for hundred of request (if a study contains 500 instances I got the information for the first instance and then the 499 will give me an identical StudyID which I ignore).
It would be much faster if the JSON answer of the /instance post API can give the parent ID (Series / Study / Patient). This way by just parsing the answer message I will be able to know how many different Series / Study / Patient have been imported in the import process without any additional Rest call.
I assume at the moment of Orthanc is replying the Instance ID it probably knows it’s parent level, so maybe it could be easy to output the parent ID as well in the answer message ?
Best regards,