When I enable SSL on Orthanc version: 1.11.0
Service will not start and error:
E0703 02:57:41.262924 main.cpp:2063] Uncaught exception, stopping now: [The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use] (code 2003)
W0703 02:57:41.262924 main.cpp:2094] Orthanc has stopped
Confirmed that nothing else is using port 8042
plus Orthanc working great with SslEnabled false.
I saw some old posts that there was a bug that fixed long time ago… so why is it happening on latest version??
I’ve just tested Orthanc with the attached configuration files and a self-signed certificate. Started it with this command:
C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server>Orthanc.exe --verbose C:\Users\Alain\Downloads\test-tls-orthanc\orthanc.json
Note that, at that time, my Orthanc running as a Windows Service is stopped → it works fine.
If my Orthanc Service is running, I get an error stating that the TCP port is already in use (which is expected).
You may also try with another “HttpPort” in your configuration file to check if it helps or not…
I’m getting this same error. I’m not doing anything special other than enabling “SslEnabled” from false → true. I’ve created the private.key, public.crt and combined.pem files as outlined in The Book. It’s as if Orthanc loads up it’s HTTP service on the default “HttpPort” of 8042, sees that it’s config should be using https and not http, therefore restarts as HTTPS, but doesn’t shut down the HTTP port beforehand. I’ve even changed the HttpPort from 8042 to 8443 and restarted Orthanc to see if it’s specific to a port, but I get the error The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use: (port = 8443).
If it helps, I’m using Version 1.10.0, ApiVersion 16 (as shown in the /system endpoint)
The embedded Web server of Orthanc (i.e. civetweb) requires “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so” to be present on the system, but this symbolic link is part of the “libssl-dev” package, which is not a dependency of the “orthanc” package: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/amd64/libssl-dev/filelist