Orthanc - Unable to view the web viewer to upload dicom images after port forwarding

Hello Everyone,

I work in windows based desktop which is my local system. I use Putty to connect to Linux machine (Remote server) where we run our docker commands. It was in linux system I was trying to start the Orthanc using the below command

“docker run -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 --rm --name orthanc -v $(pwd)/orthanc/orthanc.json:/etc/orthanc/orthanc.json -v $(pwd)/orthanc/orthanc-db:/var/lib/orthanc/db jodogne/orthanc-plugins /etc/orthanc --verbose”

Though it started successfully, I am not able to open the web viewer in local system even after port forwarding it. Please note that we don’t have UI access for remote server (linux)

Please find the screenshot attached (Orthanc_success_log.jpg).

Actually it was working fine till few days back, Recently I am facing this issue. To that end, I have attached another screenshot (orthanc_log_doubtful.jpg) which certain entries. You can let me know whether it is expected?

Can you please help me fix this and be able to view them in my local desktop?

Your response would be really helpful





What IP address are you targetting when doing the port forwarding?
It should be the one used by the docker container (docker container inspect orthanc | grep IPAd for instance).

Otherwise, could it be a firewall rule related issue preventing you from actually port forwarding as you expect? That might explain why it was working and then stopped working if a firewall rule has changed.

Kind regards,


Hello Michel,

Thanks for the response. I am a beginner to this area. I mean last time when I did this, it just worked fine.

I just forwarded the ports to 8042 and 4242 from my remote system(docker host) to localhost.

In addition, I don’t find my IP address (docker host /remote system address) with docker inspect command. But it would have been the same last time when it worked as well.

We didn’t make any changes at all. We just followed the Orthanc book to execute this command

Can you guide me on this?



Hello Everyone,

Adding Network = host helped me resolve the issue. But not sure how it worked earlier without this setting
