Hello Everyone,
I work in windows based desktop which is my local system. I use Putty to connect to Linux machine (Remote server) where we run our docker commands. It was in linux system I was trying to start the Orthanc using the below command
“docker run -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 --rm --name orthanc -v $(pwd)/orthanc/orthanc.json:/etc/orthanc/orthanc.json -v $(pwd)/orthanc/orthanc-db:/var/lib/orthanc/db jodogne/orthanc-plugins /etc/orthanc --verbose”
Though it started successfully, I am not able to open the web viewer in local system even after port forwarding it. Please note that we don’t have UI access for remote server (linux)
Please find the screenshot attached (Orthanc_success_log.jpg).
Actually it was working fine till few days back, Recently I am facing this issue. To that end, I have attached another screenshot (orthanc_log_doubtful.jpg) which certain entries. You can let me know whether it is expected?
Can you please help me fix this and be able to view them in my local desktop?
Your response would be really helpful