Orthanc loses some DICOM tags during C-MOVE

I am transfering huge amount of MRI from Conquest server to Orthanc.Most of them I am transfering using the combination of findscu and movescu. After that I am using Horos DICOM Viewer to compare on both servers and I noticed that some studies don’t have StudyDate or StudyTime on Orthanc while Conquest these tags are available. Even if I try to resend those studies again using Horos and the same situation. I see on Orthanc logs that the study exists on the Orthanc and will be overwritten but also the StudyDate and StudyTime is empty which causes some problems with looking this studies in Horos. I attach some logs with moving study in Horos
Any ideas what could causes that situation?conquest.pngorthanc.png

Orthanc.log (231 KB)


I would check at instance level if these tags are present.

I’m suspecting that the first instance of the study that is sent to Orthanc does not have these tags set and that therefore Orthanc populates the DB with empty values.

Otherwise, please provide a minimal working example.

Best regards,




Indeed, one of the instance generated by OsiriX (RoI) doesn’t include StudyDate and because of that Orthanc shows that whole study as without StudyDate.