Orthanc in a multi-site setup -

Im a network engineer, server administrator, but not a medical technologist… I know enough to be dangerous, but here is what I’m tasked with.

Customer has 2 sites that are taking xrays

While at a 3rd and 4th site they want to view the images at/from the other sites.

First and foremost, they have an antiquated broken system that we’re hoping to replace with Orthanc.

Read the beginners guide, up to speed on the concept.

Stood up a windows vm using 2019server, installed Orhanc, and viola, its working… no images, but i’ll have many more questions later about the gaps in my knowledge…

My question is this: how do I get away from using ‘localhost’ and use it’s actual IP address so it can be reached from another site?

If this question gets me into the ‘you’ll have to pay for that answer’ or ‘get a support contract’, I’ve already reached out to Osimis for support and possible install for this, but that’s not going to happen quickly, so I’m trying to gather as much key networking knowledge as I can before I start…

As a documentation hound, I’m always looking before asking, and I feel comfortable asking this because I’ve yet to see or read where to do it. I’ve browsed all the json files looking for where it mght be done. I was able to change the name, whoo-hooo, big deal, I know… but like they say, never a dumb question…

Have a great day, following intensely… appreciate your comments and suggestions, even if to tell me to RTFM when I just explained that I already have…


In order to access your Orthanc server remotely, you need to open the configuration file (normally C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration\orthanc.json) and change the “RemoteAccessAllowed” : false setting to “RemoteAccessAllowed” : true

You might want to set “AuthenticationEnabled” to true in the same file. This means that the user/passwords pair from the “RegisteredUsers” section in the same file (that you should override) will be used.

Also, look for the HttpPort and DicomPort entries in that file : they will tell you how Orthanc can be reached, both as an HTTP server and on the DICOM protocol. The defaults (if I recall correctly) are 8042 and 4242 respectively.

Once this is done, you need to make sure your Firewall lets the HTTP and DICOM traffic through. Here’s the first result for doing this: https://www.osradar.com/how-to-open-a-firewall-port-in-windows-server-2019-2016/

Once this is done, you need to find the IP address or host name where your server can be accessed.

You can type Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 in powershell to display the list of all IP v4 addresses. The correct one is one of these, depending on your network configuration.

Once this is done, you can test by opening http://server-name:8042 from another machine, where 8042 should be replaced by the HttpPort entry from the Orthanc configuration file, should it be different.

Hope this helps.

Ok, with this we are now able to reach it via IP:8042 and with authentication (even if in clear text). It will serve this purpose.

Thank you