Orthanc find option not working on Ubuntu

Hello Orthanc community,

I am facing some issues with Orthanc in Ubuntu. I installed orthanc according to the instructions on this site, and I uploaded some subjects into the database.

When I click on ‘All patients’, all patients are listed. Neverthless, if I search for a specific Patient ID, the interface does not show anything.

I would be very grateful if someone can help. Any ideas?

Thank you in advance,

I am getting this error, when I look for a PatientID using python:

Error: 404 - { “HttpError” : “Not Found”, “HttpStatus” : 404, “Message” : “Unknown resource”, “Method” : “GET”, “OrthancError” : “Unknown resource”, “OrthancStatus” : 17, “Uri” : “/instances/tools/find” }

A segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2023 à(s) 11:07:17 UTC, Helena Pereira escreveu:

Hi Helena,

Note that you should use “/tools/find” and not “/instances/tools/find”.



Dear Alain,

Thank you very much for you answer, but the problem persists.

Maybe I didn’t configure properly the configure json file, since I’m a newby in this kind of software.

I’m able to upload images via web and python, but I cannot display patient data nor images using Python.

I’m using the request package to connect to orthanc.

The file json only contains the subject ID in orthanc and not my patient ID.

I’m also using this toolbox: https://pypi.org/project/pyorthanc/, and for instance, these tags doesn’t exist:
patient_info = orthanc.get_patients_id(patient_identifier)

patient_name = patient_info[‘MainDicomTags’][‘PatientName’]

study_identifiers = patient_info[‘Studies’]

Any thoughts?

Once again, thank you in advance,

A segunda, 20/02/2023, 17:40, Alain Mazy am@orthanc.team escreveu:


Are you actually sure that your patients have a PatientName ? this is not mandatory (the PatientID is).

In python, I would cycle through all the patients and display all their MainDicomTags. That might help understanding your issues.



Hello Alain,

Thank you very much. You are right, it helped!

Best regards,

Alain Mazy am@orthanc.team escreveu no dia quarta, 22/02/2023 à(s) 07:59: