Hi Author,
I have dicom (see in the attachment) and upload to Orthanc via UI. When I use dicomweb to retrieve the instance : curl -i -uorthanc:orthanc localhost:8042/wado-rs/studies/ . Orthanc throws exception as below
I1017 11:13:50.297123 HttpServer.cpp:1262] (http) GET /wado-rs/studies/
I1017 11:13:50.297354 OrthancPlugins.cpp:2447] (plugins) Delegating HTTP request to plugin for URI: /wado-rs/studies/
I1017 11:13:50.297448 OrthancPlugins.cpp:4009] (plugins) Plugin making REST POST call to URI /tools/find (after plugins)
I1017 11:13:50.300685 ServerContext.cpp:1487] Number of candidate resources after fast DB filtering on main DICOM tags: 1
I1017 11:13:50.300994 ServerContext.cpp:1635] Number of matching resources: 1
I1017 11:13:50.301127 OrthancPlugins.cpp:3172] (plugins) Plugin making REST GET call on URI /instances/8febf686-10972e55-1d81daf1-7d873794-a8dff850/metadata/TransferSyntax (built-in API)
I1017 11:13:50.301269 OrthancPlugins.cpp:3172] (plugins) Plugin making REST GET call on URI /instances/8febf686-10972e55-1d81daf1-7d873794-a8dff850/file (built-in API)
I1017 11:13:50.301370 FilesystemStorage.cpp:161] Reading attachment "1d274ef8-6036-4eeb-b66d-f27bd1d82e50" of "DICOM" content type
I1017 11:13:50.502627 DcmtkTranscoder.cpp:306] DCMTK transcoding from 1.2.840.10008. to one of: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
E1017 11:13:50.502736 OrthancException.cpp:61] Not implemented yet: Cannot transcode image
E1017 11:13:50.506122 PluginsErrorDictionary.cpp:100] Exception inside the plugin engine: Error encountered within the plugin engine
^CI1017 11:14:09.547477 LuaJobManager.cpp:98] (lua) Awaking trailing sleep
I1017 11:14:09.547547 LuaScripting.cpp:900] Stopping the Lua engine
I1017 11:14:09.647805 LuaScripting.cpp:906] The Lua engine has stopped
W1017 11:14:09.647873 main.cpp:985] Orthanc is stopping
I1017 11:14:09.728883 OrthancWebDav.cpp:1707] Stopping the WebDAV upload thread
With dcm4chee, I can get the instance with that URL. Can you please help to check what’s wrong with Orthanc ?
P/S : I am using the Orthanc version 1.12.1, DicomWeb 1.15. And this is my configuration: orthanc.json - Google Drive