orthanc explorer 2 upload

Is there a limit in studies othanc explorer 2 is able to upload ?

when i upload from an archive from xray machine with previous orthanc explorer 2 version .3 and before ,the upload fail to upload all the images,

With new orthanc explorer 2 version .4 everything it is ok,

basic osimis docker setup, ubuntu

The archive has folders with around 1000 xrays studies each

many thanks,



There’s no known limits on this. Note that I have updated some js libraries. Maybe that makes a difference …

Best regards,


Dear Orthanc commuity:

Just finished some minor modifications to the OE2 UI in order to make it available in 13 languages, plus English. A Dark Mode has also been applied.

Please check the working demo at


User: orthanc
Password: orthanc

The sources are available at

There are also sources for the localized version of the OE2 original -Light Mode- theme, available at:

TODO: An option to allow a default locale definition in the Orthanc Configuration.json file, as it is actually declared at


export var localeConf = “es”;

The localization was made using several sources, mainly Google Translate. As my native language is Spanish, there can be some textual translation errors. Please let me know as you spot them.

Please also note that https://plasticosis.online is a temporal, test server.

Any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you,

Ludwig Moreno

Hi Ludwig,

Wow, thanks a lot for that ! That is great !!!

I’ll try to reintegrate them in the main version as soon as possible but this is quite a busy period now. I’ll keep you updated.

Best regards,


Nice, thanks!


I wanted to inform you that Orthanc Explorer 2 v 0.5.1 has finally been released and includes multi-language support (only English, Spanish and French right now to have ‘human quality’ translations). Anyone is welcome to provide translations for other languages in this format.

This version is available in the latest Windows 64 bits Installer and osimis/orthanc images starting from 22.12.2.

Thanks again Ludwig for initiating this work !


Dear Orthanc community:

In our radiology facility we needed an easier way to filter the DICOM studies by date.

We found that there are several datepicker solutions for Vue3, and after some research, we decided to give vue3datepicker a try.

We are pleased with the results, so we are sharing it here. Hopefully, it can be improved.

Please check the working demo at:


User: orthanc
Password: orthanc

The modified sources are available at:

Vue3datepicker documentation and options can be found at:


Notably, in the https://vue3datepicker.com/props/modes-configuration/#preset-ranges section, are explained the parameters that can be further configured to make some standard range selection filters.

We could not figure out how to pass the language code to the “locale” parameter of the component, in order to allow a dynamic update.


Hi Ludwig,

Thanks a lot for that. I’ll reintegrate it in the mainline code as soon as possible.

Best regards,


Hello Team!

Great job you had done with the modification modal in the new OE2 release!

Just finished adapting the dark mode with the datepicker, and updated the es.json locale with the new labels.
The fr.json is now mathching the en.json too.
These files are available at https://github.com/Terabuck/orthanc-explorer-2/tree/master-dark-i18n
Thank you!

Best regards


Hi Ludwig,

Thanks for the updated translations.

Wow, reading my last message, it seems that ASAP can be quite long :-(.
I’m not forgetting you but these days are really busy out here !

Best regards,


Hi Alain!

No problem, I understand.

I’d like to report something:
When trying to modify the PatientID in a single study, the systems generates an error the progress bar appears in red and nothing changes, but not when modifying more than one single study at once, in this case, everything goes smoothly.

Best regards,


Hi Alain
Sure! here it is, in my test VPS server

username: orthanc
password: orthanc

I just changed the Anonymized8 PatientID to 1234 and duplicated the study.
Afterwards, I created a copy of all the studies with a new PatientID at once, 12345
Bbut if I try to change the PatientID of a single study, it fails



Hi Ludwig,

Thanks for the report but I don’t get it completely. Could you be more specific or provide a screen capture of all steps ?

Best regards,




Hi Ludwig,

The DatePicker is now part of Orthanc Explorer 2 v 0.7.0.

Thanks again for your help,
