Orthanc only works with incoming requests (accepts C-FIND, C-MOVE etc) across multiple computers (on same network) when windows defender domain firewall is turned off.
Another dicom server I am working with (conquest) works without adjusting the firewall.
Does anybody have any solutions for using orthanc across multiple computers on the same network without having to turn the domain firewall off?
Thank you!
Have you checked the ports in use by Orthanc and ConQuest? The default DICOM port Orthanc uses (4242) is not standard. The standard ports for DICOM communications are 104/11112. Firewalls allow traffic on some standard ports by default (e.g HTTP/HTTPS ports 80/443).
Check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers
A sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2022 à(s) 17:38:19 UTC+1, zoe...@gmail.com escreveu:
Hi there,
i’m using the default port for Orthanc (4242) and 5678 for ConQuest. Neither is allowed by firewall, but I saw that the ConQuest install seems to add a firewall rule the conquestdicomserver app (rather than opening traffic on a specific port). So that explains the difference.