OnStoredStudy not working?

I have a really basic script loaded into Orthanc:

function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata)
print('Instance successfully stored: ’ … instanceId)

function OnStoredStudy(studyId, tags, metadata)
print('Study successfully stored: ’ … studyId)

I send a single DICOM image to Orthanc and (as expected) it immediately shows the instance was stored. However, I was expecting approximately one minute later (cf. StableAge = 60) for the study message to be shown too, but it never does.

Is there something in the configuration file that I’m missing that prevents Lua from acting on this event?

It’s been pointed out to me that the error is on my side - OnStoredStudy() isn’t a valid Orthanc callback function - I should be using OnStableStudy() instead - which I’ve tested out and works flawlessly.

Thanks again SDS.