Hello again - your resident (if you’re in the US) PITA posting … again! I sincerely hope that this finds you all well and that you’re not blocking my posts ;o)
A really easy one for a change, I think.
I have a LUA script that executes a peer transfer when OnStableStudy() is triggered. It essentially makes a RestApiPost(/transfers/send) call to itself to transfer a study to a remote peer (I don’t believe there’s an internal function to do this), all using libOrthancTransfers() within a DEV docker environment. The script successfully makes the call and I get the ID and Path of the job returned to me which is printed into the docker log, the transfer recipient (peer) receives the study without any issue and I’m simply overjoyed with Orthanc once again… :O)
Within the same LUA script, I have a really simple set of OnJobSubmitted | Failure | Success functions:
function onJobSubmitted(jobId)
print('JobID: ' .. jobId .. ' submitted')
function onJobFailure(jobId)
print('JobID: ' .. jobId .. ' FAILED')
function onJobSuccess(jobId)
print('JobID: ' .. jobId .. ' completed')
I was hoping that the JobIDs would be immediately printed once the OnStableStudy() API call is made, but I don’t get anything posted to the log file at all. I’ve even moved these functions to the top of the LUA script in case that would have any affect, but no bueno…
I’ve read the transfers documentation and although there are advanced options for the peers, I don’t get the feeling that it’s a transfer config, but rather something I’m missing on the JobID side of things. My peers are configured like this at the moment:
"OrthancPeers" : {
"T9DCM3" : {
"Url" : ["http://t9dcm3:8042/"](http://t9dcm3:8042/),
"Username" : "peerUser",
"Password" : "peerPassword"
I’m sure this is something really simple, but I just can’t put my finger on it …
Can anyone give me a hint, please?!