Old Osimis Orthanc Version

Hi! I need an old version of Osimis Orthanc for an old visor project I was working on. I’m searching for the 18.7.1 Osimis version with Othanc 1.5.1, but in the web page there isn’t a place to download by version, only the last one. Is there a repository where I can find it?

I will be very grateful if someone can help me.


The source code of Orthanc 1.5.1, its Linux Standard Base binaries (LSB), and the Docker images “jodogne/orthanc-plugins:1.5.1” are still available:


For the Windows installers, I invite you to get in touch with the Osimis company, since it is Osimis that provides this package to the community:


Hi Karla,

You could also upgrade to osimis/orthanc:18.7.2 that is still available at Dockerhub and that comes with minor changes compared to the 18.7.1:

18.7.2 : - Introduced WVB_ALPHA_ENABLED to use alpha version of the Osimis WebViewer plugin

  • upgraded MySQL to 1.1
  • upgraded WVP_ALPHA to 73e6b64
  • upgraded WVB_ALPHA to c3ac8fac

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
