Nginx and ACME installing Cerbot

I am trying to setup Cerbot for Nginx where our Orthanc server is running.
We are using Docker in a windows enviroment.
From PowerShell I entered docker exec -ti (my container name) bash to enter the command.
I have tried the example below (With the correct information inserted) and get the error bash: sudo: command not found.

sudo certbot --nginx --register-unsafely-without-email --eab-kid zcskpf8sCnHGBsbCOgnv1ijy00l6UeEYCavSSSirl-k --eab-hmac-key DDDraHBXQUxWTEFGdFhndjRVNmV4t4F6c2VNZDM1QzRURGhjdHF3S1NublJjN0dhVUFObzA0SXJwVHBnU2yyUH --server --config-dir /usr/local/certbot/my_public_webserver_config/ -d -d --manual --preferred-challenges dns

My install instruction are from the Certificate provider and I’m at a standstill.

The error is that the sudo command doesn’t exist in the container. You can try running the command without sudo.

In general, this forum is to discuss Orthanc rather than other tools like certbot. Stackoverflow and other places are generally best for these questions.



Ok, Thanks.
Tried that already and have posted in several forums trying to find an answer.
I would just delete this post by I don’t see a way to.