I am trying to setup Cerbot for Nginx where our Orthanc server is running.
We are using Docker in a windows enviroment.
From PowerShell I entered docker exec -ti (my container name) bash to enter the command.
I have tried the example below (With the correct information inserted) and get the error bash: sudo: command not found.
sudo certbot --nginx --register-unsafely-without-email --eab-kid zcskpf8sCnHGBsbCOgnv1ijy00l6UeEYCavSSSirl-k --eab-hmac-key DDDraHBXQUxWTEFGdFhndjRVNmV4t4F6c2VNZDM1QzRURGhjdHF3S1NublJjN0dhVUFObzA0SXJwVHBnU2yyUH --server https://one.digicert.com/mpki/api/v1/acme/v2/directory --config-dir /usr/local/certbot/my_public_webserver_config/ -d example.com -d www.example.com --manual --preferred-challenges dns
My install instruction are from the Certificate provider and I’m at a standstill.