we have implemented orthanc as Dicom Router to send study on multiple targeted destination by using lua script.
It works perfectly. but when study is routed from orthanc dicom router to targeted orthanc. it shows source ae of dicom router. but we want original source ae title from where(machine console or moaldity ae) study was performed and sent to rothanc dicom router. shown in picture attached herewith. we are receving from mutliple centers and multiple modalities. we have an issue how to find out which study is belong to which center and modality. we can’t differniate studies of multiple source at orthanc peer layer
The “LocalAet” field is also available in the “DicomModalities” configuration option, which allows you to define two modalities in Orthanc pointing to the same SCP but with different AET for Orthanc:
Thank you Sebastien for your suggestion, but I want to know how to write correct steps of lua script to route instances,
i wrote this script. Kindly suggest correct code of lua.
function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata)