Modifying attributes and then sending the modified version


I am using REST api to modify patient and series attributes. Orthanc seems to a create new instance of series and patient after modification.
How do I then send the original instance id with the modified patient and series values to the other pacs using store call?
Can I use the original instance ids or do I have to the find the new instance ids of the modified series?

I am also using changes REST call to detect if new instances are added to the Orthanc but the attribute modification call seems to create new change event which causes our script to think that new image has been added to the archive (but it is only modification). Is it possible to some how ignore events coming from the attribute modification calls?



I am using REST api to modify patient and series attributes. Orthanc seems to a create new instance of series and patient after modification.
How do I then send the original instance id with the modified patient and series values to the other pacs using store call?
Can I use the original instance ids or do I have to the find the new instance ids of the modified series?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is explained in the Orthanc Book:

After modifying a patient, a study, or a series with the REST API, Orthanc will answer with a JSON file that contains the ID of the modified resource. You can then send the modified resources as described here:

I am also using changes REST call to detect if new instances are added to the Orthanc but the attribute modification call seems to create new change event which causes our script to think that new image has been added to the archive (but it is only modification). Is it possible to some how ignore events coming from the attribute modification calls?

Yes, just check whether the DICOM instance is associated with a “ModifiedFrom” metadata. If this is the case, the instance comes from a modification operation.

Here is a sample interactive session that shows how the “ModifiedFrom” field is added after a study is anonymized (in the present case, the study consists of one single instance, the yellow highlighting represents the original instance, the red highlighting represents the modified instance):
