I am on Windows. I installed the Orthanc using the executable “OrthancInstaller-Win64-20.3.1.exe”
Have a few problems.
I am trying to push dcm file from ConQuest located on the same laptop to the above Orthanc.
Following the instructions from OrthancBook, before I even start running Orthanc after the install, I added the AET, IP, Port # to orthanc.json file (below). Saved the file. Restarted the Windows Service for Orthanc.
added the AET, IP, Port # for Orthanc in ConQuest app. Like below:
“DicomModalities” : {
Problem 1: I navigated to Q/R page and tried to query dcm file in ConQuest.
“The DICOM server” drop down menu has no response (aka behaving like there is no AET listed in orthanc.json file). This is not the behavior I observed when I tried to setup Orthanc in docker container environment.
I attached a screenshot of this unusual behavior and the corresponding orthanc.json file for reference.
Problem 2: I thought I might have made a mistake when I installed Orthanc. I uninstalled it and removed the leftover directories (the one in C:/ and in “Program Files”). Rebooted the system and reinstalled Orthanc again. Strangely, the desktop icon for Orthanc failed to show up after the reinstall. I rebooted the system, same result. I resurrected the shortcut from the recycle bin from the previous install and it is working.
Why is the short cut missing?
Thanks in advance.
orthanc.json (21.9 KB)