Listing of X-Ray Images as Thumnails

Is there a way to view x-ray images as a list of thumbnails when looking-up images for a patient? This will help to recognize them without the need to click on each one of them.


I think that the answer to your question corresponds to the following FAQ:

Summarizing, it is certainly possible to have a Web interface that shows a preview of images by building on the REST API of Orthanc:

However, this doesn’t fall in the scope of the built-in Orthanc Explorer, and you should build a new user interface to this end.

Note however that the Stone Web viewer displays thumbnails if you are viewing one study:



I had a similar request from a radiology resident in our hospital.

For now i dont have the bandwith to do it, if you have the possibility to get a JavaScript / React developper, you could build this feature in orthanc tools js without too much work.

Best regards


Thank you all for your replies. I appreciate your help. I will probably look for a developer to implement the required interface.