Issue stopping Service

Dear community,

today we install actual Orthanc binaries on our server.

Microsoft Server 2012R2

It works fine as expected. Furthemore do we change some
configuration entrys in DICOM Section.

Unfortunately do we have a problems stopping the service.

“The Service could not stopped of internal reason” 1593

Service stopping is pending.
We stopped with Taskkill and PID.

The service could be restartet but then is no access to the WEB Serice possible.

3 Times reinstalling all binaries with same result.

Does anyone has an idea to solve ?

Kind regards


What do the Orthanc logs tell you ? Do you see Orthanc shutting down in the logs ?

Also check the Windows event viewer for errors around that time.

And check in the Task Manager. Note that there are 2 exes: the OrthancService.exe is in charge of starting/stopping Orthanc.exe:

Best regards,
