Is there a way to automating sending of multiple image series from Orthanc?

Hello, we are using Orthanc to send series to an automated image analysis platform. We currently select a given subject (image series) and then use the “send to modality” option to send image series to the analysis platform one at a time. We would much prefer to take an entire list / directory of say 50 image series and trigger a command in Orthanc to send that entire list. Fine if they are sent serially, we are just searching for a more efficient way than accessing each series individually and sending one by one.

Can Orthanc support/automate sending multiple series? Does anyone have a solution for this? THANK YOU!


I think you are looking for the so-called “Bulk Store SCU” feature that is provided by the Orthanc REST API:

With this feature, you can send multiple DICOM series (by providing their Orthanc identifiers as a JSON array) to a given modality (whose identifier is “sample” is the example above) with a single REST API call.
