I am successfully running osimis/orthanc docker instance in Google cloud.
My DICOM files are being imported via DICOMWeb commands and the files stored in Google cloud Storage buckets (using Orthanc ‘GoogleCloudStorage’ plugin). All good so far…
However the Orthanc index is not currently persisted and so is destroyed when the docker instance is of course destroyed after inactivity timeout. This means my DICOM files disappear from the UI (but are still exist in the storage backend)
My question is where should I store my Orthanc Index given my particular cloud environment?
Documentation simply suggests using a docker volume. I can achieve with Google Cloud by installing something called GCSFuse (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gcs-fuse) - this will allow me to treat a cloud storage bucket as a mounted drive in the Orthanc instance.
However I can see that there are other options like using MySQL and Postgres DB’s.
What is the proper way to proceed?
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,